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WHAT? Ryzen 9000 Is Here? 🛑 New Best 1440p GPU? April 2024 Q&A E2

Sponsor: Try 1Password Free Ryzen 9000 Launching Sooner than expected? New Best 1440p GPU …


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  • I have done that 3700x mistake of future proofing. 😅
    Now I’m looking for 5800x 3d or 5700 x 3d and new GPU.

  • AMD company need Money 💰, to resale old stock's with rebrand as 8000 series failed so 9000 series' more interesting just how many ghz

  • Правда в том, что даже на старом компьютере можно играть не хуже , чем на консолях текущего поколения. Так что эта суета вокруг " нового поколения железа" всегда не более чем реклама, в итоге мы получим процессор на 20-30% мощнее лучшего на сегоднягдень, что в пересчете на FPS равно 10 кадрам)) с видеокартами таже история

  • 18:02. Niche is a french word as is pronounced as Neeesh. Not "NI CHE"

  • Me still chilling with my 9700k and 1080 ti. It starting to show some age now. Probably gonna be upgrading after i finish getting parts for my wife budgetish build

  • We just need to max out are monitors we can skip generations gpu's I skipped the 40s

  • is there a place i can buy US cards for the US price and have it sent to the UK?

  • I dont know about that. My Ryzen 9 5900x seems to do just fine with an RTX 4070 super.

  • I really hope asus releases a new Asus Maximus Gene board i missed out on the x670e since asus made 10 then discontinued it only Matx worth a damn but maybe well get Lucky ill buy 2 this round since they only make a handful available to sell rest get sent for review then never get sent back 🤦‍♂️

  • …and i just recently managed my 2700x to go 4,3Ghz on all cores 😂 i guess its upgrade time soon 😂😅

  • The 5090 is a hard sell to 4090 owners in 2024. This year, there is no "melt your PC" game (no pun). Usually, they have a game or two that helps give a reason for buying the top-end card, but apart from Stalker 2, I don't see a game that's going to make 4090s see a big difference.
    I normally get the new cards, but even I am searching for games to justify the swap this year vs next year.

  • A lot of us waiting for this next gen to drop to get onto ddr5 systems. I dont like getting on a launch motherboard knowing how many generations itl cover. Even my gpu is a 6800 so im looking for a full new build over the next 18 months.

  • Oh goodie, I was hoping to upgrade from a laptop to PC later this year.
    If only they'd give me a new high-end GPU this year… but nooo, they just had to cancel the project, I suppose due to technical difficulties with the multi-die architecture… but atleast in 6 years the next bunch could have something good.
    Maybe they'll bring back the old multi-GPU feature that NVidia abandoned. That would be pretty sweet.

  • 5090 will just be what the 4090ti should of been, It will be underwhelming just like the 2000 series. I kept my 1080ti, and waited for the 3080ti, and now ill wait till the 6000 series. Pattern recognition.

  • What is the difference in amd gpus between 6500/600/700/800/900? Like what those numbers mean? 9

  • Just built my step sons gaming computer based off of a lot of your input…first of all it's performing awesome, second here is what it is: The build is in an NZXT H6 flow, gigabyte b650e aorus elite x ax ice with the 7800X3D cooled with the Artic III 360 AIO, Samsung 990 Pro 2T and the Power Color 7900XTX Hellhound Spectral and 64G Corsair Titanium 6000 and the power supply is the Corsair RM1200e.

  • Hello Everyone, wondering if anyone can advise on the Best productivity processor for ASRock X570 TAICHI AM4 AMD X570? Not interested in gaming for this setup. Thanks in Advance

  • I still don't see a reason to upgrade from my 6900XT. I got it at a decent price and even when I play on my 4k Samsung Q80@120Hz it performs well. My 2k LG monitor supports HDR and is 165Hz and it isn't a problem. I'm not worried about 240Hz since I'm not a competitive gamer.

  • best 1440p gpu still is 6700xt, got mine really cheap second hand in Europe. The new stuff is overpriced

  • Hey, please make a video on the latest Ryzen 5 8400f and Ryzen 7 8700f? No one has covered it yet!

  • does Mr. Bear likes ITX computers?

  • Recently found your channel and been binge watching, thank you for all the quality info/content!

  • So how big are the heat sinks, does it glow in the dark or make steam clouds when hot???

  • "future proofed" is a myth 😀
    a friend pay at 2019 6k€ on a pc and 2024 he build a new … i build all 3-4years a new for 800-1000€ was his build worth? no it was a big waste!
    he want the best from the best and payed too much for a limited edition gpu pay 2000€ for a gpu that is 3 years later lower then a gpu for 330€ is hard he was thinking raytracing is more worth then 1440p/4k gaming and i think what i want at 1080p with rt? i can play 1440p/4k 😀

  • 5090 is definitely a myth lmao. Apparently potentially 70% faster than a 4090 if you believe the rumour mill LOL massively doubt a 70% increase happens in like a year and a half

  • We need more PCI E lanes for consumer platform.

  • I'm slowly building my rig and expect to complete it by September. So far I got the Ryzen 9 7950x3D CPU and the 4080 Super GPU. Expecting to add B6xx motherboard with 64 gb RAM, 1000 WATT PSU. A little uneased seeing new products come along during my build but I know that I will be able to play any games or Flight sim on it. Most likely all that new stuff will probably be hard to get anyways. I'm coming from a i5 GTX 1060 16 GB RAM. So I expect some improvement 😅

  • I have a 7600x and a 7800xt. I am fine waiting. My last build was a i5 8600k with a 1070Ti and only just upgraded a few months ago. That said if I start upgrading more often then I can actually sell my old parts and get a decent return on them as other then trying to sell my whole old system on facebook market I dont know what to do with it. xD

  • should I start thinking about new 9800x3D if I build my pc 6 months ago with 7800x3D and 7900xtx?

  • r5 9600x will be interesting,14900ks gaming performance or over that for around 300$

  • we are in 2024 why the hell would want to play in 2k when even your own tv is 4k why waste your vision on 2k is beyond me, if I want to be in front of a monitor it better be 4k or above.

  • found a 7800xt for $479 at my Microcenter but I think I'm still gonna get the 7900GRE $549

  • I'm thinking of upgrading my i5 12400 to a ryzen 7800x3D or possibly a i5 14600k (same socket) for 1440p gaming on a 6900xt, as I feel like the 12400 must be bottle necking my system, I bought the 6900xt with the intent of playing at 4k but then got a 1440p oled monitor a little later. Do you think this would be worth it? Or would it be better to wait for a 4090 price drop and go full hog, or perhaps wait for a 5080?

  • Going to get a home lone for

    Ryzen 7 9800x3D
    Rtx 5090
    64gb ddr5 ram
    2tb gen 5 ssd

  • People here waiting for 50 series and Ryzen 9000
    While I'm here waiting for 40 series and Ryzen 7000 price to drop 😂

  • Gonna have to say actually the 4070ti/ ti super is the best 1440p gpu. He asked the best for 1440p, i dont think he asked the best price to performance

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