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This New OCuLink GPU Dock & AMD Mini PC By Ayaneo looks Pretty Awesome!

Ayaneo just announced a bunch of new products and besides the great looking Ayaneo Pocket DMG they also announced a new …


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  • Even with Oculink, the data transfer rate will be too low to take full advantage of the higher end GPUs.

  • Can somebody please make a barebones OCcuLink dock that simply has a x16 slot and a place to put a PSU? I'm fine if it's not even an enclosure; just a base to mount everything on with a rear panel to support the gpu that also has an OCcuLink connector and power connector (to pass through to the PSU).

    I have a Sonnet Breakaway Box that's thunderbolt 3, and that with a smaller base and no enclosure (so any size GPU would fit) would be a perfect design for a basic OCcuLink dock.

  • The AM01S reminds me of a printer when the screen's up.

    It's also really close to being a digital only Gamecube with those controller ports at the front, and being as tall and square as it is.

  • These will cost an arm and both legs

  • That design is pretty sweet but there's barely any dock functionality with 1 USB port. Cutting down on the video out or switching 2 to USB C would have been better if that meant more USB in general.

  • its been a while that all ryzen i see on handheld have a 780m as the GPU part of the apu. I know upgrading the cpu part does increases performance, but when will we get a better gpu on those amd apu?

  • With the screen up it looks like a photo printer

  • Not upgradable, I rather have an eGPU case that can take any GPU I take out of my desktop that I no longer need after upgrading my desktop

  • I bought the egpu from onexplayer. Overall I am happy with it. I like Ayaneos take on egpu but it's too themed for me. It's spaceship look is going to turn a lot of people off. It makes it too niche. On the other hand the onexgpu is sleek and minimal. It's low key and with the exception of a little rgb, it's muted. I like it better.

  • why would anyone pay so much for 7600m lol?
    most modern affordable laptops already have a 4060 in them.

  • ayaneo link in description triggers my protection flagging the site for mal ware

  • Give us more eGPUs. Handheld+eGPU is the future for me

  • That dock does look great. Too bad the Steam Deck doesn't have an OCuLink port or an extra M.2 slot to add an adapter. If that mini PC has an extra M.2 slot it shouldn't be hard to give it an OCuLink port. I agree it'd be nice if it was integrated though.

  • they really should release something other then 7600m xt 😑
    like bruh why not a 7800m xt
    not to mention there's no Nvidia or arc options when it comes to mobile gpu other than that bulky asus propitory one

  • Looks awesome but going to hold out for Thunderbolt / USB 5 external GPUs.

  • @ETAPRIME FIRST OF ALL I am a huge fan!!
    Does the AG01 work for Samsung DeX

  • tell me one thing.
    why mention both USB4 and thunderbolt 4?
    i mean USB4 is subset of Thunderbolt 4 right?
    if something have Thunderbolt 4 then is obviously usb4 as well.
    reverse is not true if its USB4 then its not true that its Thunderbolt 4

  • Why no 2.5G lan on the dock ? It is 2024 already 😅

  • Dose the screen work as monitor for regular work in emergency situation?

  • Anybody know the prices ? Looks like those will be too expensive compared to a DYI dock + GPU and I the MiniPC while looking cool won't have a competitive price …

  • Why it looks like they ask AI to draw it and than just "Oh yes, we should make this"

  • For the love of god someone make a 12 or 16GB eGPU dock like this and I’ll buy it at 50% over the price of the desktop equivalent. I need the RAM I verifiably go over 8 constantly with the specific games I play and the stuttering is worse on eGPUs when that happens.

  • I wish someone would take the fastest card and turn that into a Oculink card. I guess if you want that you'll diy a enclosure or buy one premade without a card and then add your own. It does look neat but if I'm going to have a external GPU it is going to be the fastest card I can get.

  • They didn't include OcuLink on their brand new mini PC? WTF, literally!

  • I wish they would make an open dock, something where a user can also put their own video card in it.

    I know there are already solutions that exist, but they're the size of a mini-pc and not elegant like this stuff.

  • Why there is no other options than 7600M XT !

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