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This is Why AMD’s GPU Market Share is 9% 😂

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  • I just got a new pc not even yesterday with amd 6700 speedster, was playing for about 20 mins when my pc shut off restarted like 4 times and then on the 5th loaded with no display

  • I can confirm that amd drivers REALLY SUCK when it comes to stability

  • Because AMD fkin sux. i already RMA'd 3 AMD GPU 0 for nvidia and i have more nvidia cards

  • Amd fanboys love it being taken from behind😂😂😂😂😂

  • Is this a windows specific issue, because I am pretty sure they good drivers, just maybe certain closed-source operating systems cause conflicts that don't have to exist.

  • I've been running an AMD GPU for years now and I have yet to run into a single major issue. I actually had more issues with my Nvidia GPU.

  • Lmao this comment section, AMD fanboys are so vocal in the internet. They'll defend their products to death, no matter how bad it gets, that's why it'll never get better.

  • Fuck it really is, I have a RX 7600 not only bricking windows it blew up the entire setup, at first I thought it was the PSU. I swapped for a brand new ROG 1200 plantinum.

    Without success. I was just so pissed that I just ordered a brand new PC with last gen components.

    Im happy that Im in a moment of my life that I can afford doing something like this, but I feel sad for thr people that can't 😢

  • This is a windows update that screwed over AMD users, it was caused by microsoft.
    AMD have had better drivers than Nvidia on multiple occasions, including the last 1.5 years, which was proven by many videos. Nvidia had more driver problems than AMD over the last couple of years.
    Also Intel has infinitely worse drivers than anyone, yet they have almost as much marketshare as AMD, which just goes to show that people are biased for no good reason.

  • It's not the drivers, it's not the operating system, it's just normal AMD GPU behavior.

  • I've only started having problems with a driver crash error that I just can't get fixed even after using ddu and fully reinstalling computer works for a few days then I have to uninstall everything and reinstall

  • now i see why NVIDIA cards are more expensive.
    NVIDIA drivers also have issues too, but AMD takes it to a whole new level.

  • This vid is bullshit!
    Reset + Win Update can cause a problem.

    But for sure chanels like yours help to keep this storys flying, no wonder.
    One time some AMD chips failed one after the other and they blamed quality issues on AMD very loud through the net. Turns out, they had in common to be mining cards resold. Was the correction as loud? Of cours not.

    Several NV drivers did fry the GPU, where were you than? Oh, yea, it isnt the same

  • This is why I stick with Nvidia. I want to use AMD and I want to love it but RTX and the better drivers and more reliable system is more important to me

  • Is this still an issue because by windows sometimes just shows a black screen

  • hii i have some prob with amd my monitor 100hz idle memory clock 2000mhz after changed to 60-75hz normal memory clock 300 while idle this is normal thing ?

  • you are literally the only one who i've heard saying that amd drivers have a "horrible reputation". i know that a looong time ago they werent the best, but they've been really really good for a long time now, and i've never had an issue with them ever since i jumped the ship and got the hd 7950. after that i've had multiple other amd cards, and currently i'm rocking the rx 6700 xt and i love it!

  • Nvidia drivers are ass if you use Linux and amd drivers are grat take a chill pill bud both company's suck ass

  • Imagine using Windows and thinking AMD is the problem. Switch over to Linux and compare your experiences between AMD and NVidia. I guarantee you, your experiences with NVidia will be as bad as AMD is claimed to be on Windows.

  • Nice fearmongering to sell more expensive nvidia systems. I'll purposefully tell people to avoid you now. Thanks. 🙂

  • WHY DO YOU KEEP SPREADING MISINFORMATION. This is a windows problem man. Jesus.

  • Yeah that s*** bricked my windows installed three different times one of which was a day ago.

  • and still u advice ppl to get amd cards, lol what the actual shit man

  • So should i reinstall?

  • "AMD drivers already have a terrible reputation"
    I have never found an issue with AMD drivers (unless you download the wrong ones) but NVIDIA on the other hand…

  • This guy. Thanks for helping one company in an effort to become a monopoly. AMD is good dont listen to him

  • Until amd gets their drivers taken care of I'll be using nvidia

  • This is true, i had to test an amd card on my pc before reselling, I installed the drivers, tested it and sent it to the client and put my personal 3090 back into my machine, uninstalled amd software and drivers and reinstalled the Nvidia drivers, but anytime i play games that are gpu intensive, i get 3 types of BSOD, Kernel Data Inpage Error, Critical Process Died Error and System Service Exception, reinstall windows but nothing fixed it, had to wipe out everything during windows installation and then it fixed it, never putting this thing in my pc ever again

  • I am havi g this issue right now can somebody help me out how to fix it after this install

  • If I don.t have AMD displaying something anything like temperature or fps the games are locked at like 40 fps…once I turn fps counter on from the metrics tab games run normal…

  • Funny, months later still the only driver with no issues for 6000 series is 2022's last. An entire year of unattended bugs in the pursuit of scaling tech supremacy

  • Hello, just wanna here, maybe someone knows how to fix this, i got error 43 on amd driver after windows update, did ddu and all to no success.

  • So basically it's not their fault but still took time to tell you what's wrong? 🧐

  • I haven’t had any issues with my and card at all ever


    thank god the algorithm suggested this short

  • I have build 7 800x3D with 7900xtx and have lot of drivers crash. Regret to not add 50€/100€ more for 4080 super

  • I had an issue with an AMD where the whole computer freezes as soon as I enable the drivers

  • Wait a min is this why I had blue screen? When restore to factory default it working just fine?

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