Title: The Moment the U.S. Secret Service Took Down the Gunman in the Trump Shooting Incident
Welcome to our article, where we delve into the historic event that occurred on November 3, 2011, when a gunman attempted to assassinate former U.S. President Donald Trump. This article will provide an in-depth look at the incident, the role of the Secret Service, and the significance of this event in the history of U.S. presidential security.
The Incident
On the evening of November 3, 2011, Donald Trump was preparing to speak at a charity event in Las Vegas, Nevada. As he was signing autographs and posing for photos, a man named Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez approached with a high-powered rifle. The Secret Service quickly sprung into action.
The Secret Service’s Role
The U.S. Secret Service is primarily responsible for the protection of the President and other high-ranking officials. On this day, they displayed their expertise in managing high-stress, rapidly evolving situations.
The Moment the Gunman was Taken Down
The Secret Service agents acted quickly, tackling Ortega-Hernandez before he could fire a shot. The identity of the agent who made the critical tackle remains unknown, but his quick action undoubtedly saved Trump’s life.
Aftermath and Lessons Learned
Ortega-Hernandez was later sentenced to 25 years in prison. The incident served as a reminder of the continued need for vigilance and professionalism from the Secret Service in the face of potential threats. It also underscored the crucial role of the Secret Service in preserving the safety of the President and the functioning of democracy.
This article has provided a narrative of the moment the U.S. Secret Service took down a gunman attempting to assassinate former U.S. President Donald Trump. The bravery and quick thinking of the Secret Service agents that day, as well as their commitment to protecting the President, are a testament to the importance of their work in preserving the democratic process.
TF Reaction
President Trump said in subsequent rally's & his interview with Elon Musk. That the USSS Sniper that fired the single kill shot was across the field 400 yards away from Crooks. One can only assume that the target himself (President Trump) was briefed by the USSS & FBI about this. Which seems to shed doubt on the premise of a USSS Sniper behind President Trump and 180 yards away from Crooks killed anyone.
The FBI set Trump up there were two shooters, but they didn’t shoot the other one because he was FBI
The scopes on those rifles are not meant for focusing at 140 yards lol. More like scanning for threats 1000m away
Seems the right hand didn't know what the left hand doing . . . !? And with all the high tech arms n rifles they had up there.Unbelievable!!
Divided we fall Americans vs all
Keep lying, the secret service did not take him out with one bullet. Notice how there was a stream of blood flowing down the roof. That’s from bleeding out. It was blown from inside out not the bullet from the front of a headshot. The blood would have been a puddle and a mess all over. Not flowing as a small stream. The secret service was part of the plot! I know what a headshot looks like. This was from multiple shots, not from a headshot. Headshot would have a blood stream flowing down.
1:33 you see the photographer with the hat move into position before most of the secret service agents reach Trump, I assume to take that photo of Trump's face to the ground. Worth it!
this is false reporting. the sniper behind trump in this scene didn't take the shot. 2ndary team farther away did
They 100% expected trump to die that day.
No. A 20 yo did not outsmart secret services. No. The secret services did not fail. This was allowed to happen and Trump is lucky to be alive.
Even a regular citizen would recognize that the spot where the shooter was should have been secured. Unbelievable
They wanted the kid to shoot Trump before taking the kid out
Things just don't add up here.
Sniper was looking through his scope farther past the gunmen position. That's why he had to raise his head up,
to look around,
Saw the threat was closer than he was looking,
Adjust and fire.
Pathetic really. I dont like trump, but the service failed that day
Trump. Bulletproof
Remember what happened to JFK, America is not what you think.Be careful who you vote for
There are so many things that dont add up about this…. I mean A LOT.
Show the clip up close, why show the farthest footage? Hiding something?
100% Aliens having fingers in this they moved the bullets
Why did he shoot to take him out? If they could see there well enough to take him out, why was he allowed to be there in the first place? Why is this being allowed to fadde out? Very suspicious to those who aren't dems! But they aren't too worried about pursuing the truth about what happened! 🤔. What's happening in America is very sad! America's govt is turning to socialism/communism/marxism. It's disgusting and distressing! 😢
summary concern:
1. for whatever reason, local law enforcement was called to 'assist' with secret service duty.
2. communication and breifing between secret service and local law enforcement was insufficient at best.
3. a local indivudal (crooks) was noted both as a suspicious person and seen walking around the area that day.
4. little if any protocol was available to local police as to what to do about this issue.
5. eventually, mr. crooks was able to mount the building with low slope roof and carry a fire arm onto that roof top.
6. mr crook's mount upon rooftop was noted by MANY local citizens who tried to give notice that there was an individual on this rooftop.
7. local police tried to mount roof at which point mr. crooks point gun at police forcing officer back down.
8. local police then would have gone off trying to find a way to stabalize this issue given gravity of situation.
9. an ss sniper (1 of 2) located on a near by height noted a potential shooter on rooftop and radioed in to acting ss manager. ss sniper was ordered to hold off on shot.
10. as soon as a shot was fired by mr crooks, the ss sniper ordered not to take shot then opened fire and decisted mr crooks.
11. really unorganizaed and totally unprepared calamity ensued, almost mickey mouse in nature (quite frankly)
12. the ss sniper that took the shot despite orders not to was release from position later that day as a secret service agent.
13. senate committee hearings are often predominanced with comments like 'local police were not correctly handling their position in this matter' and 'local police did not react quickly enough when a shooter was noted' – this is STRICTLY speaking an SS job and SS job alone. Local police may assist, but defending against rooftop shooters is decidedly a component (if colaberation) that falls under SS jurisdiction, undeniably.
Biggest inside job since 1963
My genuine question is out of curiosity and may be a stupid one. But what would exaclty happen to the country and / or whole office if Trump was taken out. Would war happen? Or would they just replace him and obviously sentence whoever did such a thing and all is good, or both? And btw, not that it matters, but I'm not a voter, I choose not to get into the politicians or anything related to it, so if how you comment is very specific try to dumb it down for me lol. Unless it's common sense information, then go ahead.
This stinks of put-up show. Blame the “Crook” (amazing name right?) and what should have been a victim in shock immediately pumps up his fist and goes “Fight fight”? It seems a bare-faced association with Kennedy’s death to condition people’s perception of him when it was down in the dumps. Businessman 1st and foremost, he’d sell his gran’s gold teeth if it benefited him. Look at his associates (Putin for example). As to his wife 🙄 funny how her recent body language indicated big fallout, then suddenly she’s a goner. Honestly my opinion of the American People crashed to new depths when I learned he’d won the election. Disaster waiting to happen and any1 expressing surprise at his back dealings is either too stupid or a shameless brown-nose.
Top down fail
Wilhelm Tell hätte besser getroffen!
Liberal sheep: I wonder how they could be so incompetent? Like as if they even care 🥴
Hmmm Ya i wonder how?? Could possibly have something to with Hollywood, MSM, United Nations and the current government that indided the guy 91 times right after he announced that he was running against…. wait NVM that would make a "conspiracy theorist" 🙄
I mean the shooter was thinking "ok im gonna kill trump and let the Democrats take their guns its a winwin situation"
Poor trum😢😢😢
Seems like it was planned and Trump was just mad lucky