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  • This review is brought to you in conjunction with Just For Men

  • Just bought a "SAPPHIRE PURE Radeon RX 7900 GRE 16GB". Looking for Efficiency with Semi-High FPS. With OC capabilities.

  • still feeling really good about that day 1 4090 purchase but this is very interesting for an SFF PC. I like the lower power consumption and smaller form factor of the 4070 super, but your review makes the 7900 GRE a compelling option due to the massive uplift in performance at a slightly lower price point.

  • The only people that say that ray tracing performance doesn't matter to them is people that haven't experienced ray tracing. Game changer

  • is ultra comfortable the highest comfortability?

  • I picked up a rx7900gre for 549 pretty easy decision over the rx7800xt that was only 30 dollars less.
    Also weird the 4090s power draw is 666.6…..

  • In Central europe, there's currently a 4€ difference between 7800xt and 7900gre lol.

  • The FSR3 open source sdk has been out since December, when are we gonna see more games implement it bro

  • I just got the RX 7900 GRE Pure OC and with the new driver and the potential to overclock the memory this card is a beast for the price.

  • I don't understand single thing from these Graphics can you make it more Understandable and readable please

  • In Romania, we have the 7900GRE on the same price with 7800XT. So, it's safe to say that choosing GRE is better? GRE is 25% cheaper vs 7900XT and it's kind of out off my budget.

  • I'm always here to see if the AMD gpus improve, hopefully

  • I love your videos and one thing I've noticed is the fucking camera quality. It's fucking beautiful to look at!

  • What about frame generation without RT ?
    As far as I know, this works better on NVIDIA cards with DLSS.
    Sure it increases latency, but for single player games it is still a thing right?
    If yes, the 4070 Super might be the better pick. But I'm not sure about that…

  • A 16gb card will be the last card you need for 1080p,. The 4090 n 7900xtx are the first real 1440p ultra settings card, 4k will be properly out of the box playable with 90 + fps between the start of 60 series and amd 9000 series, if ur not in 1440 p or higher with 20gb cards, u are waisting ur money and paying way more for just one or 2 proper bullet recognitions.

  • Wow, listening to you is like watching at 1.25x speed. Slow down!

  • The AMD Radeon RX 7900 GRE GPU is for GREek people..thnks Steve !!

  • Why not call the GRE GPU, the GREG PU?

  • I'm upgrading my x370 board. Just ordered one of these along with a Ryzen 9 5950x CPU. I should be good for awhile with this tandem. I can upgrade the motherboard in a couple of years to a x470 for an added performance uplift. I got to time my builds better though. I should have initially waited for the x470 to drop. Although I had already waited 8 years and was just ready. I was on the AMD 4-core Phenom that I built 2009. The fun was passing me by…..

    I just didn't see the 5700X3D as suitable since I'll be able to convert the 5950X to a great server CPU when the time comes. 16 cores? Damn. It's already a server CPU. If anyone is familiar, my case is an Enthroo Pro extended tower with plenty of storage drive slots. I bought it by accident when I did the initial build. Instead of sending it back, I just went with it. It's heavy AF!

  • Is the 7900 GRE worth replacing a 6900xt for general 1440 gaming?

  • For 1440/4k and call of duty, should I go AMD? Either an 7900XT or XTX?

  • doesnt this card then make the 7800xt a ripoff at just 50$ less? what a clusterf*** amd has done

  • Why no COD bench marks it is not a hard title to run but it is one of the biggest games and there for an ez reference and wz is free you dont test free to play games?

  • I think the big miss in this review is leaving any mention of the 6950xt off the table. While I appreciate the retail price difference with the 6950 sitting closer to 700.00(usd) I’m frequently seeing sales prices bringing them down to 6-650.00 which does have it being competitive.‘I known this seems to be a “current gen” comparison but when it comes to raw performance if given a deal for a 6950xt at ~600.00 usd I’d argue most people are choosing between the 6950 or 7800xt/7900gre.

  • Would it be worth upgrading to this from a 6700xt or should I go a bit bigger

  • it has been very annoying and frustrating trying to find a successor to my 3080 12gb. Not a whole lot of products are able to justify the price they are being offered for. Also, with an 800w PSU (80+titanium) I only have a few GPUs that i can plug-and-play without being forced to use that god awful 12vhpwr connector, or be forced to find another PSU with the pcie 5.0 rating so i can get a 12vhpwr cable included so as to have less points of failure. Basically, Nvidia priced its own customers out of an upgrade by forcing the 12vhpwr failures onto us. Honestly, I would probably would've purchased a 4080 Super if it weren't for that new POS cable. AMD is looking enticing.

  • can you please add the 3090 to the chart?

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TechTrends Tom

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